Is there a preferred device for using Speakster?

Speakster can be used on Android or Apple devices of any size but 8” (200mm) tablets are most practical.

How do I store phrases?

Phrases are saved in Categories. Categories can only be saved on the Categories page. Tapping a Category will open the Phrases page where any number of phrases can be saved.
Alternately, phrases entered on the main (speaking) page can be saved under a Category you have previously stored.
TIP: Store phrases you may use infrequently (e.g. in preparation for a doctor’s consultation) under a Temp category.

Can I change text size?

2 text sizes are available. It is advisable to use the smaller text on phones, either on tablets.

You can display the phrase you have constructed in very large text so that it can be shown rather than spoken. Long press the phrase to display the enlarged text in a popup.

How do I access different voices?

Android – Settings > General Management > Text-to-Speech Output > Preferred Engine. Choose an engine. This applies to Samsung but should be similar on other devices
Apple – Settings > Accessibility > Spoken Content > Voice > English. You should see any number of English idioms. For example: English (Australian) which contains Karen, Lee and Siri. Tap Lee and it will be set as default. These voices will now appear in the Voice picker of Speakster.
The device’s default voice will be used if the Default Voice is set to off. To use another voice set this switch to on (label will now read Selected Voice) and choose from the Voice picker below.

Can I change the number of columns displayed?

Yes. You can choose a 3 or 4 column display. I advise using 3 columns on phones and 4 columns on tablets.

My device’s volume is inadequate!

Pair to a Bluetooth speaker. Speakers you have paired to in your device’s settings will be available in the Bluetooth Device picker (Android only). Apple users should select a Bluetooth device from Settings > Bluetooth. Both Apple and Android devices will reconnect when Speakster is opened.

Can I set Speakster to remain open?

Yes, with the BT Connection Persist switch. Setting to ‘On’ will cause Speakster to remain open and the Bluetooth speaker to remain active.