Tips & Tricks



I’m wheelchair-bound so have used an attached mount to hold my device. Mounts can be expensive but that shown below was only about 70AUD and was available through Amazon. Most users will find their device volume is inadequate, particularly when in a group of people, so I’ve found it best to use a bluetooth speaker. That shown was about 80AUD and clips to the mount.


Speakster is best used in portrait orientation. Small devices, like phones, are best used in 3 column mode, while with larger devices 4 column mode is more practical.

Although only 4 written languages are provided, Speakster can be used easily with any language because of the extensive use of icons.

‘Clear After Speaking’, BT Connection Persist’, ‘Delete All Phrases’ and ‘Install Prepopulated Database’ are settings only available after upgrading.

The facility is provided to share your database of Categorised Phrases between your devices. Tap the Import/Export Phrases button and follow the instructions provided.

Settings Screen


I find it easiest to use ‘slide’ typing. I suggest that you have predictive text turned on. Both of these features are in your chosen keyboards settings. Realise that saved phrases can be tapped to enter them into the phrase to be spoken box but so too can free-form typed words/phrases.

You can display the phrase you have constructed in very large text so that it can be shown rather than spoken. Long press the phrase to display the enlarged text in a popup.